Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Building the World We Dream About
Wrap-Up  2010 - 2012 

Participants: Ginger Abraham, Di Allen-Thompson, MaryHolly Allison, Martha Bireda, Myrna Charry, Cheryl Lee, Kit Longo, Gene Maresca, Gudrun Matthaus, Bob and Sue Taylor, Delight TePaske, Pat Thomas-Beard, Dodie Waters, Sonia Waters, Sharon Whitehill, Mary Wolff, and Ted Zawistowski.

This was the second and final year of participating in the Building the World We Dream About (BtWWDA) curriculum for this group of participants.  In year one we focused on the impact institutional racism has on all of us, understanding our white privilege, and the dynamics of race and power.  This second year we honed our personal skills at working cross culturally to ensure our success in building multicultural understanding in our congregation and the larger community.

We heard from a black high school student what challenges he faces as a person of color at Charlotte High School.  We visited the Seminole Indian Wars exhibit at Blanchard House African American Museum and continue to build our working relationship with Martha Bireda, Director, where we co-sponsor a community book club that discusses books about race and ethnicity.  Again many UUFCC members supported the MLK Breakfast, including placing a UUFCC ad in the program, and the MLK Day parade. The Worship committee, along with BtWWDA participants, presented many services during the year bringing attention to men and women of color who have served our denomination and our country.

At the conclusion of these workshops, we set action goals for what we want to accomplish during 2012 in our congregation and community. 

Highlights include:
  • Explore fellowship interest in beginning a new series of BtWWDA workshops.
  • Bring a multicultural, anti-racist lens to all aspects of fellowship life and the Long Range Plan for reaching UUFCC’s 2017 vision.  Encourage multicultural worship, music, art and potlucks.
  • Sponsor films and discussions for our congregation that highlight multicultural themes.
  • Sponsor conversations on race in the larger community.
  • Further research with Kelly Kirschner of Unidos Now how to work effectively with the Spanish speaking community.
  • Join efforts to alter Punta Gorda historical murals to include prominent black founders of the city.